Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hey guys I'm back!

Hai bloggers. Setelah sekian lama gue ga ngepost, blog gue ini hampir aja dipenuhi sarang laba2, kecoa, dan teman temannya. Disini gue gue mau cerita. 
Mungkin sebelum baca ini lo bisa buka post gue sebelum ini. Disana gue cerita tentang pacar mantan gue. Ya mantan. Gue baru aja putus sama dia minggu lalu dan hari ini ( January 9,2012 ) adalah hari 28bulan gue sama dia. Harusnya. Kita putus baik2. Dan masalahnya cuma karna masalah cuma karena beda agama. Mungkin kalian menganggap ini masalah yg sepele. Tapi buat gue engga. Karna semakin lama gue pacaran sama dia, semakin sayang gue sama dia, gue semakin ga bisa lepas sama dia. Gue udah mikirin ini baik2 dan gue udah berdoa semoga apa yang gue putuskan ini ga salah. Gue terus berdoa sama Tuhan, supaya gue bisa laluin semua ini :"
Dan jujur kalau ditanya gue sekarang gimana...gue sama sekali belom bisa lupain dia. Ya emang butuh proses. Dan pastinya lama. Gue ga tau dia gimana soalnya dia orangnya.....misterius. Kayak ninja-_- sampai sekarang sih masih contact tp sesering waktu pacaran. Sering bgt gue mau nulis "Night sayang. Love you need you so much!!!! :*" gue khilaf. Gue lupa gue udah putus sama dia. Tp yaudah lah ya. Yg lalu biarlah berlalu, WO3.

Lanjut ke masalah yg berikutnya. I hate High School for sure. Iya. Gue benci kehidupan SMA gue yang sekarang. Gue sekolah di Global Prestasi School dan Puji Tuhan gue keterima di International Program nya. GPS ini termasuk sekolah yg......cukup elite. Sebenernya gue suka, seneng sekolah disini. Gue suka suasana sekolahnya, temen-temennya, guru-guru (nasional) nya. Tapi ada 1 hal yg bikin gue ga betah dan pengen pindah. Itu program Internationalnya. Mulai dari guru sampai pelajarannya. Tp yg bikin gue empet banget itu pelajaran English. Gurunya Ms. ***** (sensor ya) ya gue akui dia bagus. Tegas, disiplin. Tapi......menurut gue ini udah kelewatan. Gue masih kelas 1 SMA dan ga seharusnya gue kayak begini. Mungkin sebagian temen-temen gue bisa melalui nya tapi setiap orang kan beda-beda. Gue ya gue. Elo ya elo. Dia ya dia. Jangan disamain. Gue pengen pindah dari Inter ini tapi....bokap udah ngeluarin uang yg cukup banyak utk masuk inter. Dari awal gue ga mau masuk inter. Cuma karna Bokap aja gue masuk. ( *gue syg bgt sm bokap ) Tapi percuma aja kan kalau udah dibayar mahal2 tp akhirnya gue gagal? Kebuang percuma juga tuh uang. Kalau aja gue bisa kelas nasional..gue akan berusaha untuk dapet 5besar. Atau at least 10 besar deh. Gue akan lakuin itu. Jujur sekarang gue mengalami tekanan batin yg sangat menyiksa. Ortu ga tau. Kalau mereka tau pasti tambah dimarahin gue.
Oke akhir kata...gue cuma ngucapin 

Merry Christmas 2011&Happy New Year 2012
Happy Failed 28 months, Gilang! :'D

Thursday, September 29, 2011

About my special person

Hei di post ini gue mau nyeritain tentang seseorang yg sangat berarti buat gue.
Dia itu..................teman, sahabat,  sekaligus pacar gue. Ya, PACAR. Mungkin di posting yang sebelumnya gue udah pernah ngejelasin tentang ini. Bagi yang belum liat bisa diliat disini.  Simpe yak? Emang-_- Maka dari itu gue mau memperkenalkan dia lebih dalam lg, ea

Nama : Gilang Wahyu Pranoto
Nama beken : Rano Karno. Eh... Agil maksudnya. *main kelereng sm jangkrik*
Pendidikan-_- : SMA Bunda Hati Kudus, Cibubur
Rumah : Mana kek
Umur : Berapa kek

Ya, gue emang beda sekolah sm dia. Gue udah LDR selama 2tahun. Sekali lagi.........2TAHUN!! Ada yang bertanya-tanya darimana gue kenal dia? Ya dulu dia satu smp sama gue, cuman pas kelas 8 nya dia pindah ke sebuah kota yg menurut gue gak penting gue sebutin. Initialnya? Bali. (eh?) Whtvr-_-
Jadi............. Dia special banget buat gue. Gue sayang banget sm dia. Iya, lo lo pada pasti berfikir."paanzeh lo lebay bgt paling jg ujung2nya putus"  terserah apakata lodehya. Seperti yang gue bilang diatas, gue sama dia udah 2tahunan. Kok bisa? Yabisalah. Gakbosen? Enggak. Dia gak ngebosenin sih :) 

Jadi, tadinya,hubungan kita masih biasa2 aja nih. Ya gitu deh pokoknya-_- tapi, seiring berjalannya waktu, si agil ini makin lama makin.............kepob*. Mau tau apa arti kepob? Cari sono di kamus. Ya................terus? Yaudahsih bukan masalah. Gue cuman mau ngasih tau aja. Jadi tanggal 9 September 2011 kemarin gue sama dia 2tahun-an. Seharusnya sih 9 Juni, tapi ya gitudeh-_- Hm..... gue suma bisa ngasih ini nih buat dia. Dan untungnya dia suka!


Then, 17 September 2011 ulang tahun dia! Gue ngasih cupcakes. Failed cupcakes lebih tepatnya. Soalnya yg gue pesen sm aslinya tuh beda-_- tp gpplah<3
 There's something that you need to know about love. Love isn't about the handsome/pretty face. It's all about the heart and are u comfortable or not with him/her. Kuncinya cuma 2 kok(menurut gue ya), saling percaya & jujur satu sama lain.

2nd Anniversary, 090911


My Sister's Keeper Film Review

Actually this review is for my english assignments but whatever, I want to publish it into my blog. Ohya! First of all, I wanna say HELLO Everyone! Long time no write here. I'm now a student in Global Prestasi School SHS(Int'l) yes I passed the Junior HS National Exams!^^ okay let's start the review


My Sister's Keeper is a drama film from United States. It’s directed by Nick Cassavetes and starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva, and Alec Baldwin. This film is an adaptation of Jodi Picoult’s novel. My Sister’s Keeper is published United States, Canada, and Mexiko on June 26,2009. This film has won some awards, such as: ALMA Award Actress in Film: Cameron Diaz, Teen Choice Award Choice Summer Movie: Drama and Young Artist Award Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actress Abigail Breslin

Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was born from in a vitro fertilization, so she has a genetic match for her older sister,Kate ( Sofia Vassilieva). She was born just to be a donor for Kate that has a leukimia(cancer) to keep Kate alive. All of Anna’s life is spent to be a donor. She has no opportunity to life her life freely. Day by day, the leukimia being more dangerous and Kate is diagnosed that she has a renal failure. And because of that, Anna forced by her parents to donate one of her kidneys for her sister. At that moment, Kate is Eleven-Year-Old. In that ages, She has realize that she may not be able to live her life with one kidney. Anna tells her parents that she doesn’t want to donate her kidney. She sue her parents to a lawyer named Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) for medical emancipation and the rights to her own body.  In a flashback, Kate also meets a fellow cancer patient, Taylor Ambrose (Thomas Dekker), whom she begins dating. After a date, they share their first kiss outside Kate's house, with Sara and Kate's father Brian (Jason Patric) watching from their bedroom window. After this, he becomes her boyfriend in and out of hospital and supports her as she undergoes treatment. He then asks her to the hospital's "prom" for teen patients; there, they slow-dance, then proceed to a vacant hospital room to make love. A few days later, Kate is crying because Taylor hasn't called her for several days. Her mother Sara is furious when Kate mentions they did "stuff" after the prom and storms out to ask the nurse where Taylor is, evidently believing that he had dated her daughter merely to sleep with her, and learns that he has died.

This film is very enchanting, categorically a low-budget film and groove mix. I almost didn't find any weaknesses from this film. This is a highly recommended film for you who loves sad films.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bad day

April,5th 2011. 
This is a bad day.really really bad day.kenapa?
Ya karena hari ini Bruno Mars konser. Terus? Gue ga bisa nonton? So? Yaudah. Gue cuman pengen curhat aja kok. 
You know what? Baru kali ini gue nge-fans segininya sama artis. Biasanya suka,ya suka aja. Nggak sampe addicted gini. Dan lo tau? Yang bikin gue paling nyesek adalah...........................lo liat sendiri deh,susah jelasin pake kata-kata. Nih :

Her name is Bunga. She's so lucky :(

Well,btw,jangan-jangan dari tadi gue ngomong panjang lebar(ga panjang juga sih)gini lo semua ga tau lagi Bruno Mars yg mana? Liat dibawah ini! 

Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), better known by his stage name Bruno Mars, is an American singer-songwriter and music producer. Raised in Honolulu, Hawaii by a family of musicians, Mars began making music at a young age. After performing in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood, he decided to pursue a musical career and moved to Los Angeles after graduating from high school. Mars began producing songs for other artists, joining production team The Smeezingtons.
After an unsuccessful stint with Motown Records, Mars signed with Atlantic Records in 2009. He became recognized as a solo artist after lending his vocals and co-writing the hooks for the songs "Nothin' on You" by B.o.B, and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy. He also co-wrote the hits "Right Round" by Flo Rida featuring Kesha, "Wavin' Flag" by K'naan, and "Fuck You!" by Cee Lo Green. In October 2010, he released his debut album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans. Anchored by the worldwide number one singles "Just the Way You Are" and "Grenade", the album peaked at number three on the Billboard 200. He was nominated for seven Grammys at the 53rd Grammy Awards, winning Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for "Just the Way You Are".

Mars' music is noted for displaying a wide variety of styles and influences, and contains elements of many different musical genres. He has worked with an assortment of artists from different genres; Mars acknowledges the influences that his collaborations have had on his own music. As a child, he was highly influenced by artists such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson and would often impersonate these artists from a young age. Mars also incorporates reggae and Motown inspired sounds into his work. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times referred to Mars as "one of the most versatile and accessible singers in pop."

And here is some of his picture :)

Untuk foto yg terakhir ini,yang ada diatas,dia lagi di salah satu hotel di Jakarta,Indonesia.I got it from his twitter--->@BrunoMars
Check this out for the complete information

See? He's so handsome,cool,and sweet,right? ;;)
Hope can see his concert at New York. Itu juga kalau dibolehin. :p 
Oke segini dulu ya. Nanti gue makin nyesek kalau terus-terusan ngomongin dia.

Follow my twitter---->@utaque